
Publications produced during the project.


InnofoodAfrica project flyer

Preliminary project results flyer

WP1 Brochure

WP2 Brochure

WP3 Brochure

WP4 Brochure

WP5 Brochure

Development of healthy gluten-free crackers

Food choice drivers at different income levels a qualitative study from South Africa

Innofoodafrica_bio-based packaging poster [PNG]

Innofoodafrica_farmer participatory research poster [PNG]

New technology for speedy preparation of samp from hours to minutes

Nutritional recommendations


Bio-based packaging to reduce food waste along the food chain

Protein-enrichment from African crops for value-added food ingredients

Practise abstracts

Practise abstracts on best crop farming practices and on seed production systems


Consumer Product Testing Across Countries in Africa

Developing Sustainable Agri-Food Value Chains

Findings and results on value chain of teff, faba bean, white-fleshed sweet potatoes and maize in Ethiopia

Health Promotion Project Work Tackling overweight and obesity among Kenyan mothers in Nairobi

Summary of value chain assessment in Ethiopia


Faba Bean production and post harvest management manual_Amharic version

How to make a solar food dryer

How to make a solar food dryer, Amharic version

How to make a solar food dryer, Oromo version

Maize production and post harvest management manual, Amharic version

Sweet Potato production and post harvest management manual, Amharic version

Teff production and post-harvest management manual, Amharic version

Training Manual on Vermicompost Preparation, Amharic version


FPR in Kenya identified future climate smart varities of Amaranth and Cowpea

New Approaches to Address Malnutrition

Optimizing Diets for Nutritional Adequacy

Outcomes of FPR in Uganda and their Climate Smart Crops

Success FPR in Ethiopia




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